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Raising Little Giants brings together the best of parenting wisdom from all sources.  We specialize in anecdotes of the childhoods of amazing people:  Physicists, technologists, doctors, business people, historical figures, writers, artists, sports figures and more.  Our mission is to provide fresh insights, ideas, and inspiration to busy parents who want to provide more opportunities, support, and guidance to their kids.

We look for clues from the childhoods of giants, both modern and past, to see if anything can be learned about how their parents raised them, and/or how their households and educations were structured.

Whether you’re visiting out of curiosity, to learn more about the childhoods of these fascinating people, or looking for inspiration and ideas from our “actionable tips,” section, welcome!  We’re glad you visited us today.


We periodically publish reviews of books, toys, gear, etc.  We also share ideas for helping and encouraging kids, no matter their unique talents, strengths, and potential.

Please check out our articles, our book reviews for kids, or our book reviews for parents.